song of the week!
eek this will forever be my favorite addition to our blog- its Monday & this is one song I’ve really been enjoying all through last week and I hope you like it as much as I have!
whenever I listen to this song, it takes me back to the lush green landscape found outside the capital of Rwanda. just to set away from it all & think about the ones I love the most
I love this song because it reminds me of the trip I took last year to Rwanda. At the time when I booked my ticket, I had absolutely no prior knowledge of the country other than the genocide that took place in the 90s – only because my grandmother worked with a non-profit to help Rwandan refugees. Anyways, after making all of the needed reservations for a weekend trip to Rwanda, I was pleasantly surprised by the lush green forests and the city known for its hills, and the friendly faces. I have a home to come to the next time I visit.
Now, Rwanda, of course, has its many tribal languages, but they also speak a lot of French. Now, did my two years of French in college pull me through? Absolutely not, lol, but I had a ball listening to the mingling of others in this language and how they intertwined with Kinyarwanda.
What struck me most during my time there was the resilience and warmth of the people. Despite the shadows of the past, their hearts remained open, their kindness genuine. They welcomed me with open arms, treating me like a long-lost friend returning home.
As I listen to this song now, it's as if I'm transported back to those hills of Rwanda, filled with gratitude for the profound impact the country had on me. It's a gentle reminder that even in the face of adversity, beauty and love endure.
So here's to Rwanda – a place of resilience, a beacon of hope, and a home in my heart forever.
let me know what you think! enjoy!