Discover the Joy of Travel: Exploring Africa and Beyond with Mutanu - Your Guide to Global Connections and Cultural Adventures #wheresmutanunow

Hi, my name is Mutanu!

let’s first start with the pronunciation of my name: it’s moo-tah-new & it means joy in the Kamba tribe of Kenya.

I'm a Detroiter working as a technical consultant in the automotive industry, with a background in physics and biomedical engineering. I've mastered the work-life balance, allowing me to travel the world and meet amazing people who have become dear friends.

Inspired by Ernest Hemingway, he said it best, "I never knew of a morning in Africa where I woke up that I was not happy" Most of my wanderlust blog centers around being in Africa, friends, family & spaces, but you'll find a lot of reflections from my diary too!

I hope this blog inspires you to explore new places, and become friends with people you might not have considered… even if it’s just a street over.


Feel free to leave a comment or follow me on social media, I’d love to connect with you!

xoxo, Mutanu